just to make some order, let's sum the stuff here
basically, in order to run VDD system, you need:
- 1 xen server that run an ltsp environment too (dhcp - tft boot - clients images, etc.)
- on server: N running virtual machines equipped with ssh server and one or more desktop environment
- on server and on virtual machines: N users (possibly SAME users)
- 1 ltsp client (id est: a client capable of boot from network, connected to the same LAN of the server)
what should happen:
- when you boot and then login into ltsp client, as flavio said, you should have a complete desktop environment (this is about right configuration of ltsp of course)
here we go:
- TO TEST: once logged in ltsp client desktop environment (i suppose it is gnome), open a terminal and, as normal user, digit "Xephyr -ac :1"; you should see a - more or less - half-screen size grey window opening;
then open one more terminal tab and ssh into the desired virtual machines (also as normal user); then digit "export DISPLAY='ip of xen server':1"; finally you could launch your desired desktop environment whith, for example, "gnome-session" (or "startkde" or "xfce4-session");
now you should see the desktop environment starting in the previously grey window ...
let's test in this way
- NOTE: to correctly use the launch scripts you need some other stuff (zenity package, ssh keys exchange, correct ssh and sshd conf files and correct sudoers file); i have to complete the documentation and i'll do it as soon as possible
let me know how it goes