Having trouble with Xephyr as root? Here's the solution
Sometimes it could be useful to run Xephyr as root, but something unexpected may happen. # Xephyr -ac :1 The solution is to log in as a normal user and issue the following command: # xauth list You will get something like this: VDDServer/unix:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 34tf17yt938rddd324j37b9a09e66445 Now, login as a root user and perform the following command: # xauth add VDDServer/unix:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 34tf17yt938rddd324j37b9a09e66445 A new .Xauthority file will be created and it is now possible to run Xephyr as root. |
By: Flavio Bertini
On Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Comments( 3 )
The MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 code changes...
Unfortunately, that is not a permanent solution. Actually, the code after MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 changes at each user login, so that the procedure has to be done every time. Of course, a very small script could be useful to do all things automatically.
By: Flavio Bertini
, On
Friday, 30 October 2009
New and quick way to launch Xephyr as root
Here again. Launching Xephyr as root maybe rather boring since we have to do with xauth. But what can we do if we need to launch Xephyr several time in the same work session without doing the same procedure described above? The solution is pretty easy. I found a method to run Xephyr very quickly getting rid of the permission issues. Just perform the following command and Xephyr will be launched for you without any boring message. sudo su - -c "xauth merge $HOME/.Xauthority;export DISPLAY=:0.0 && Xephyr -ac :1" In this way, the user permissions will be automatically exported to the root user, that will be able to run Xephyr.
By: Flavio Bertini
, On
Thursday, 12 November 2009
sux! Another solution
Another great solution to this problem can be the use of the sux application. sux is a "su" wrapper which transfers X credentials. Further information at http://fgouget.free.fr/sux/sux-readme.shtml
By: Flavio Bertini
, On
Wednesday, 19 October 2011